The difference between hookah flavors and cloud flavors

19 October 2022

The difference between regular flavor juices (Freebies) and salt nicotine flavors

Considered relatively new and still subject to development, you will come across new inventions and ways to make the best use of them and avoid mistakes made previously. Such new developments appear over time as the e-liquid based on salt nicotine that many consumers flock even to cigarette smokers. This brand new product provides the same sufficiency or feel to smokers on a lower budget. In addition, users will be able to enjoy products with a high level of nicotine without experiencing the harsh throat injury effects usually associated with other products.

This feeling has always been a big turn-off for smokers switching to the world of e-cigarettes who prefer a cigarette to a mild sufficiency of nicotine and a harsh throat feel. Not to mention the hassle it brings especially to beginners who still switch to e-cigarettes at a slow pace while technology is constantly evolving.

To understand more about Salt E-Liquid, it is essential to have a solid understanding of the most popular product also known as “Freebies.” In simpler words, free nicotine is what we know and have been using by tobacco companies since the 1960s. It is nicotine in its simplest form when compared to other nicotine by-products. This is the same method used when manufacturing as the one used by Philip Morris in 1960. This nicotine is more volatile and when heated and has a high absorption rate by different body organs (lungs, brain, etc...) this method gained traction and popularity because it was presented to customers Higher pleasure is stronger than the previously available nicotine but while using the same dose by making the nicotine molecule more bioavailable to the body and therefore the effect outside the same dose is stronger.

But that changed with the advent of nicotine salts that made consumers flock to them even though the free base method provides more potency. To get past this topic without getting lost in the chemical technical explanation, it is safe to say that salt nicotine offers more stability and less volatility when it comes to the breakdown of chemicals in our bodies. The difference between the two models becomes more pronounced in the overall e-cigarette experience. With the lower pH levels offered by e-liquid injected nicotine salt, it provides a smoother taste and less nicotine even on the body at the molecular level even when using e-liquids with a higher level of nicotine. The product is also hassle free as it comes in disposable cartridges that go beyond the usual mess of refilling liquid. Besides, the bioavailability of this new approach translates into a lower budget as you will eventually consume less. In addition to the fact that when nicotine is in its purest form (salt) it oxidizes in a slower manner and becomes more stable with a longer shelf life.

But it is also important to note that since the main ingredient remains nicotine, it is highly addictive when not used in moderation and without any precautions.

Written by VIP Arabia Editorial Team || March 31, 2021 ||