When is the right time to replace the pods?

19 October 2022

When is the right time to replace the e-cigarette tank?

If you've been using your e-cigarette tank for a long time, it's probably time to change it. Many people don't realize that periodic replacement of their cigarette tank is essential to enjoying the best vaping experience possible

The good news is that replacing them is inexpensive and readily available

So what are some of the signs when it's time to change your e-cigarette tank?

1- When there is a change in the flavor of the e-liquid

This is one of the most common signs that you need a new tank. Weak e-liquid flavor or burnt taste indicates that the coils in your tank have been burnt

Some even report a bitter or acidic taste in e-liquid when it's time to replace it

2: When the coils stop working

Your e-cigarette contains coils, which are the most important part of the e-liquid heating process. If these coils stop working, your e-cigarette won't produce vapor, and it's time to invest in a new tank for your cigarette.

3: When the e-liquid becomes dark in color

The color of the e-liquid is usually in the lighter shades. If it starts to appear darker in the tank, it's time to give it up and replace it with a new one. The dark colored e-liquid is the result of a build-up of contaminated residue on the coils

Apart from the dark color, persistent bubbles in the e-liquid and a whistling sound are also signs of an e-cig tank replacement.

4: When your cigarette takes longer to heat up

If your coils stop working, it will take longer for the e-liquid to heat up. You'll realize you're not getting the same strength of flavor you were getting before. This is a sure sign that the e-cigarette tank should be replaced

5: When the tank starts leaking liquid

If your cigarette tank is constantly leaking e-liquid, it is wasted and you need to replace it immediately.

Generally, fluid leakage from the tank is the result of a defective o-ring or worn out glass cover

  • When you can't blow thick clouds of steam

One of the signs that you need to replace the e-cigarette tank is the formation of less intense vapor. If you notice that you are unable to blow out a thick, beautiful vapor, it is time to get a new tank for your e-cigarette.

  • If you find the steam blowing is not as fun as before

Sometimes, it's better to rely on your feelings. If you feel that you are not enjoying the steam as you used to before, there may be an underlying problem from the aforementioned problems

Try replacing the tank and see the difference

How to choose a good e-cigarette tank?

When you recognize the signs and realize that you need to replace the e-cigarette tank, the next question is how to choose the most suitable tank?

You have to take into account several factors such as size, coils, power threshold and much more

Talking about your requirements to an expert will allow him to help you choose the best e-cigarette for your needs

Written by Vip Arabia Editorial Team | June 28 | 2021